Financial Aid

Please note: Our available financial aid for the 2024-25 school year has been assigned, and we are unable to process any additional financial aid applications at this time

It is our mission to build a foundation for a better world. We want a great education to be within reach for every child!

As a non-profit school, our Board of Directors sets aside yearly funds to be used for financial assistance for qualified families. All information provided to Little Laurels is completely confidential. 

Financial aid awards are based on a family's ability to meet the cost of education. To determine the most fair and equitable distribution of funds, each family must complete the form below.

Approval of partial scholarships will depend on several factors namely:

  • Acceptance for enrollment by the school;

  • The amount of aid being requested (no more than 50% of the cost of tuition); and

  • How many scholarships have been allocated already for that school year.


Click here to fill out an Aid Application 

We ask for all applications to be submitted by April 1st for the following school year.